Feelin' Geeky
Written on Sunday, July 13, 2008 by Deeze
Since being liberated from programming and taking a vacation from school, I have been really out of touch with technology and gadgets this entire year and the last quarter of last year. In fact, it became so bad, I stopped teaching technical classes, I didn't use a computer beyond work hours except to use things like iTunes and write an occasional blog. I used to take my laptop everywhere with me that I was staying more than a few hours. Now, I don't even consider taking it anywhere with me besides work.
I think on Friday, I've gotten new inspiration for some reason. I've gotten the itch to get back into gadgets, designing websites, and creating applications. Also, I've decided to go back to finish school in September (if I don't change my mind AGAIN). It's weird, I got completely disinterested in technology for a while, but I think I'm getting my stride back.